I was just going down my list of Corgi Blogs and getting updates. When I got into Gibson's & Kelly's
"Corgi Butts" I found out : WE WON!!! I am so thrilled that I can't stop smiling. I grabbed Nala and started jumping, she thought we were playing so she started to FRAP. And I haven't told her the news yet! LOL. I am excited, and happy. Nala may think her mom is a little bit crazy.
On other news. (Wait, I am still thrilled! Yay! We won!) This new apt community has turned out to be one of the most pet friendly places ever. During some nights, some dog owners use the tennis court as a "dog park" (after curbing their dogs) and let them offleash. They have so much fun. Nala and Cosmo have enjoyed some of these impromptu playdates.
I also dared to take a day off from work to go to one of our neighbors Doggie Bday Party. The lucky doggie was Snickers. She was turning two, and her parents along with family, friends, and other dogs celebrated her. It turned out to be so much fun. Here are some pics:
This is Whooper (Lab Mix). He is so gentle. |
This is Snickers. She is the Bday girl! May you celebrate many more! |
Cosmo enjoying her cake. She eats so delicately. Such a lady. |
Nala. On her second cake serving. Look at her eyes. She IS enjoying the cake. |
Romeo. |
Milo and his brother. |
This cutie decided to take Cosmo for a walk. Awwwwww! |
The doggie birthday cake. All dogs gave two paws up! They loved it! |
There were around 15-18 dogs. I tried to take more pictures of all of them together, but all it came was "action blurs". It was very nice outside, and I meet some of the neighbors. Hope this community stays pet friendly always!
Aw cool! good for you, you an Nala won :)